Senin, 29 April 2013

Saya dan Bahasa Inggris

Nama saya Faisal Rhama Danus, menurut saya bahasa inggris itu adalah bahasa Internasional yang digunakan untuk berkomunikasi antar Negara, dan  sangat penting dikuasai oleh setiap orang. Ibaratnya seperti kebutuhan pokok untuk bekerja, khususnya untuk berkomunikasi dengan orang-orang luar karena nanti di dunia pekerjaan situasi terkadang harus menempatan kita untuk berkomuniasi dengan orang asing yang tidak biasa berbahasa indonesia . Bahasa inggris sama seperti makanan karena jaman sekarang bahasa inggris itu kebutuhan pokok, sampai-sampai sekarang ada istilah kalau ingin bekerja harus pandai berbahasa inggris dan terampil menggunakan komputer. Pada awalnya saya tidak tertarik dengan bahasa inggris, karena menurut saya belajar bahasa inggris itu susah,  tetapi melihat perkembangan jaman sekarang saya menyadari akn penting kemampuan berbicara bahasa inggris. Saya mulai belajar bahasa inggris dari SD kelas 4, disitu saya memahami bahwa belajar  Bahasa inggris itu lumayan menyenangkan tetapi buktinya tetap saya tetap tidak bisa berbahasa inggris.
Memang saya bisa menjalaninya kalo cuma sekedar teori seperti tenses, reading, listening, dsb. Tetapi kenyataannya berbicara bahasa inggris itu susah, tentunya orang-orang setiap belajar bahasa inggris tujuannya pasti ingin bisa prakteknya tidak hanya teorinya saja , begitupun dengan saya. Saya pernah coba mengikuti les atau bimbel bahasa inggris di Dutamedia Cipanas, tp nyatanya gurunya hanya mengajarkan saya teorinya saja, saya menunggu sampai saya diajarkan untuk prakteknya, dan nyatanya saya pun memutuskan keluar dari les karena bentrok dengan jadwal ngaji di pesantren saya. saya pun hanya belajar bahasa inggris hanya di  sekolah, sampai sekarang. Sebenarnya saya menyukai bahasa inggris, bahkan saya iri melihat teman saya yang mampu berbicara inggris dengan lancar, dan sampai saya memutuskan saya akan belajar langsung secara praktek saja, karena saya termotivasi melihat orang-orang di bali yang pandai berbicara bahasa inggris karena terbiasa beromuniasi dengan bule-bule.
Saya akan tetap berusaha belajar bahasa inggris, karena saya memiliki cita-cita dan impian yang tinggi kelak, maka saya selalu bersungguh-sungguh dalam belajar bahasa inggris, saya belajar berbicara inggris kepada teman saya, dan saya akan tetap berusaha sampai saya benar-benar mampu berbicara inggris dengan baik dan lancer, Dan saya agak sedikit kecewa ketika mata kuliah bahsa inggris menjadi mata kuliah softskill di semester ke 2 ini, Karen pelajaran bahasa inggris merupakan pelajaran yang penting dis etiap jurusan, walaupun saya jurusan managemen bukan jurusan sastra tp peran bahasa inggris itu penting, karena sangat penting untuk berkomunikasi di duani pekerjaan kelak. Sekara semenjak bahasa inggris dijadikan mata kuliah softskill apertemuannya itu hanya 1 bulan sekali, dan itu pun belajarnya hanaya sebentar. Harusnya mata kuliah bahasa inggris jangan dijadikan mata uliah softskill, karena apabila setiap minggunya ada mata kuliah bahasa inggris sedikit - dikit saya bisa mendapat ilmu untuk mempelancar kempuan bahasa inggris saya.
Terima kasih

Macam-Macam Jenis Tenses

I met her last night
S + V2
She was beutiful at the show last night
S + Was/were + adj/adv/n
She was crying that night
S + was/were + Ving
The plane had took of when i arrived
S + had + V3
We had been looking for her since she left 
S + had been + V3
Perfect Continues
I I had been sleeping when they arrived
S + had been + Ving

I meet her today
S + V1
I am handsome
S + am/is/are
The dog is sleeping now
S + is/am/are + Ving
I have eaten the apple
S + has/have + V3
I had been watched by them 
S + has been + V3
Perfect Continues
It has been snowy since last week
S + has/have + been + Ving

I will meet her tommorow
S + will + V1
He will be in here at 8 pm
S + will + be + adj/adv/n
My mother will be cooking at noon tomorrow
S + will + be + Ving
She will have been earned the money
S + will have + V3
He will have been dead by now 
S + will have been + V3
Perfect Continues
I shall have been at her house at this time
S + will + have veen + Ving

My Biography

Introduce me
My name is faisal rhama danus,you can call me isal or rhama. I live in a smaall town in cianjur regency named cipanas. I am the first child from 2 children, i am a child from Mr.mawardi hasan and mrs eka sapta. I was born in cianjur but both of my parents are not really from cianjur,they are from sumatran my father is from padang and my mother is from palembang. We are happy little family ... My little sister called Fitria Dwi Andriani, she was born in Cianjur , very close to my age difference just one year. Now she is in high school class of 12, we often fight from childhood until now, so yes even though I really love my sister only. My father did not work, but self-employed by setting up a company engaged in the field of furniture.
I started my education in kindergarten Kartini, I have good friends and very mischievous here, but one of the wonderful memories of kindergarten when I had the name of my kindergarten by winning the race "Run Fast" district level child. After graduation I went on incoming kindergarten elementary school named SD Negeri Cipanas 4, I was educated for 6 years, during which I got Suspected achievement during elementary school, I won the volley ball in Tertiary Porseni between SD, and I won the Art Competition that is Pencak Silat art.
After that i continued my education at cipanas 1 junior high school that where I need to go to school because they have to struggle through the selection process, I was educated here 3 years, here I also started to feel a teenager, I began to understand music, began to understand courtship, and other things. Memories of the Most Beautiful in junior high I had brought my junior fragrance name in the field of musical arts by winning the Junior Festival Band-level high schools in Cianjur district, and I also get a charter "Best Bassist". After graduating from junior high school I finally went in high school named SMA Negeri 1 Sukaresmi, here a lot of times that can not be forgotten because it is here that the most beautiful people in a life time. Thank God I am still here were given the opportunity to bring the fragrance name school achievement in the field of ICT Academic Olympics by winning the district level, and I was a representative for a follow olmpiade areas of the district cianjur algebra. This achievement makes me very proud and my school because I was given a scholarship to continue their education to a higher level in a very well-known public universities which named ITB, but unfortunately these do not make my parents happy because they do not allow me to enter Midian IT. they wanted me to be a policeman. With this decision as a child I could not do anything about it, I just move on and accept their decision. Finally after graduating high school, I tried to join the Police Academy admission selection. My father was very supportive of my decision, but unfortunately my spirit and my father was not the fruit of the results as desired. I was very disappointed with myself that I have disappointed my father. Finally, I do not give up, I was given the opportunity to go to college majoring in management, I tried to follow the selection of college entrance and once again the results were less satisfactory I just pass in an accredited state university majoring in management is not good, in the end I decided not to continue their education and work to help take care of my father worked his furniture company. But this decision was not approved by my mother, my mother was crying because my decision. I feel increasingly guilty and confused, I think I want to be angry like this why I was destined, I am jealous of my friends which go as they please and make their parents happy , I just tolerate it all, but this event which maturing me, finally I think to continue my education. I finally entered the University Gunadarma in Depok majored in management, although quite difficult to accept my fate, now I can only be grateful and undergo what has become my way now, because we do not know what our destiny was to become later. My parents finally agreed even though I know they disappointed me, I live in the boarding house near campus because of the distance between my house does not allow for the return trip. I also get a cool and good friends here, and a lot of experience which I can since I went to college here. Now I can only live and strive to be the best here, so as not to fail again and get a job based on my dreams.
Hopefully my story can motivate colleagues all so much more grateful and strive hard in achieving a desire, because success can not be achieved easily. "Successful people are not formed from the comfort / pleasure but of sorrow and tears" depends on what we confront what we get up we stop here.
Thank you ..